It's that time of year. The time when we make all kinds of
failed promises new year resolutions to ourselves in hopes of improving various areas of our lives.
In the past, I have either ignored the whole resolution thing altogether, or set a few poorly defined goals with no real plan for how to achieve them.
This year, I want it to be different.
This year, I am truly motivated to set goals and to work toward achieving them.
This year, I dreamed big and I'm reaching high.
This year is going to be different.
Okay sure, those last few sentences sounded like a self pep-talk, destined for failure (been there, done that).
But in setting my goals for this coming year the question I earnestly asked was,
"Are you willing to challenge yourself?"
Challenge, in part, can be defined as, "to arouse or stimulate, especially by presenting with difficulties."
This is what I'm digging deep for.
At the top of my list, I have come up with a personal goal based on dreaming big and I'll need to dig deep (deep!) if I intend to achieve it. This goal will most definitely present me with difficulties, but they are the kind that will force me to tap into my creativity, my will, and my passion for learning new things. I can't reveal that specific goal (at least not at this time), but I definitely hope to share it some time in the coming year.
(Summer? Ish.)
In the meantime, here are a few of the goals I
can share for now.
- finish Ohio State lapghan
- learn to knit
- master bedroom makeover
- homemade strawberry jam
- give Etsy a try
- teach oldest daughter to plan a week's meal menu, shop, and cook the meals for that week
- create a consistently worked family budget
- increase the amount of our mortgage payoff
- look into paying cash for a replacement van
- build our food/household stockpile
- take at least two "flash" trips this year for educational purposes
- complete daily quiet time (scripture reading)
- Read at least one book quarterly that challenges me spiritually
- increase our family's food bank ministry
- continue Sunday night bible study with my husband
- log family devotional time for accountability
- New year motto: "Grace first."
- Practice words of affirmation daily basis
- "date" one child per week
- create a schedule/blocks of time to work on "the big goal and follow through."
- drink 8 glasses water per day (predictable, I know, but I don't do it.)
- use cross trainer for 30 minutes, every other day
- take 2 mile family walks 3x or more per week (doing Pilates instead during inclement weather)
- one hike per month
- try at least one new vegetarian recipe per month
So there you have it, some of the goals I'm tackling for the coming year. I intend to visit my list weekly and then "scrutinize" it monthly to guage where I'm at and how I need to change course to succeed (the ultimate goal). This is a much more pro-active approach than I've taken in the past and I'm both excited and challenged by the very thought of going for it.
And I am.
(Going for it, that is.)
How about you?
Are you willing to dig deep and challenge yourself?
I hope you have been inspired to be challenged as well; to enter this brand new year with purposeful intent.
I'd love to hear what's on your resolutional plate for 2012.
Live wise in Him!