Friday, September 10, 2010

SPOTLIGHT: Have you met Flylady yet?

Okay, I know that many of you are already familiar with Flylady. She helps you develop a home cleaning, decluttering, and organization system that WORKS. But it's better than that. She eventually helps you work in all those "extras" that never seem to make it into the routine; cleaning the car, your purse, the screens on your windows, etc. And she even helps you get an exercise program going. Need help with motivating your kids? She addresses that too.

If you've ever tried Flylady in the past and felt either overwhelmed (due to the number of daily emails) or confused (due to the busy layout of her website), I would encourage you to rekindle the Flylady flame and see if it might burn this time around.

She has really improved the website so that the "baby steps" for getting started couldn't be any simpler. You can find them (and begin to follow them immediately) by going HERE. In 30 days, you will be well on your way to routine and habit that brings a sense of calm with it.

If you have never been introduced to Flylady, I also suggest you begin by reading her, "Why Fly?" page. That can be found HERE.
And of course, reading the welcome letter (HERE!) would be beneficial as well.
Once you've taken these initial steps (and ONLY then), would I encourage you to begin to explore the other areas of her website. I'd suggest exploring the information about starting a control journal (a.k.a. a home management journal or binder).

You do NOT need to subscribe to the emails to work the baby steps from the link above. If you do decide to, you might want to edit your Yahoo group setting to receive digest format so you're only getting a single email per day (there are many individual emails and many have complained that they're too overwhelming).

Okay, that's my spotlight for the week. Let me know if you decide to be a Fly Baby.

Live wise in Him!


myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics


  1. i get the emails! lol. i don't follow many of her thoughts...she obviously isn't a homeschooling mom to five little girls. but many of her principles are in our life...the girls even have FLY time...where we run around and clean quickly! lol

  2. I was getting the emails a while back but had to cut back on my mail so that went. I still do the shining the sink though (well, most of the time). LOL.
    Have a great weekend.

  3. Nothing to do with Fly Lady (I'm a drop out. Someday I'll have the energy to try again) but I see you are a fairly new blogger. I wonder if you have ever heard of Blog Frog? I joined it, and I really enjoy it. Google it. LMK if you join?
    Feel free to visit me!

  4. YOU JOINED!!!!! :D Welcome!! I'm so glad you did!!!

  5. I love Flylady! I just need to do more of the flying! LOL Your kids are going to LOVE St. Augustine. We always have a wonderful time when we go. I can't wait to hear about what all you go to see! Thanks for stopping by my blog!


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